
Where the presenter has granted approval, the presentation will be highlighted and linked to the PowerPoint file.





CHAIR: Holly Northam, University of Canberra/ CATSINAM



Selina Walker Leading and Emerging Elder



Jennifer Llewellyn, Professor of Law; Chair in Restorative Justice; Director, Restorative Research, Innovation and Education Lab



Debbie McGrath, Transforming Justice Australia



Sarah Richards, Marrawuy Journeys


Organisations and Workplaces

Criminal Justice

Community Life

Transforming Society – The vision and work of the Restorative Lab in Nova Scotia

Redress:  Session1


Marg Thorsborne

David Moore 

Clair Berman-Robinson 

Janet Hope 

Jane Bolitho 

Alikki Vernon  

Implementation in Education

Intentional Restorative Workplace Culture I

Restorative Conferencing for adults

Relational communities

Restorative justice to address International criminal dilemmas


A Case Study: Assessing organisational readiness for implementing restorative approaches

Marg Thorsborne, Restorative Practice International
Sue Attrill, Relationships@School:


Restoration to Self: Using RP to build restorative culture within the workplace

Catriona Harwood, Queensland Health
Kerrie Sellen, Restorative Journeys

Queensland: Adult Restorative Justice Conferencing - Emerging opportunities and refocussed practises

Clair Berman-Robinson, High Risk Convenor
Emma Yates, Convenor

Adult Restorative Justice Conferencing, Dispute Resolution Branch, QLD Department of Justice & Attorney-General

“Run for the hills!”: Building community disaster resilience by incorporating restorative values

Janet Hope, University of Canberra Law School
Margaret Burbidge, Maungaraki Resilience Network

Jacob MacIsaac, Melissa MacKay, Kathryn Bliss, Judge Pam Williams, Wendy Leiper, Jennifer Llewellyn

Dalhousie University, Canada

Seeking Justice Among Punjabi (Indian) Diaspora in Australia

Mr Asaf Lone, The Australian National University


A Strategic Tool for Sustainable Restorative Practice

Paula Skelton, University of Waikato
 Richard Matla, University of Waikato
 Leane Carlson, University of Waikato

Importance of Explicit Practice - Discovering Where Restorative Fits

Kerrie Sellen, Restorative Journeys
Terry O'Connell, RIPA Remote Indigenous Parents Australia

Restorative Justice Programs Responding to Harm Caused by Adults in Australia

Richard Dening, ACT Restorative Justice Unit

Clair Berman-Robinson,  High-risk Convenor, Adult Restorative Justice Conferencing (Queensland) - existing presenter

Stacey Grapsas, Senior Manager – Victims Register and Restorative Justice Unit (New South Wales)

Lena Lettau, Practice Lead, Victim-Centred Restorative Justice Program (Victoria)

Amanda O’Neill, Senior Convenor, ACT Restorative Justice Unit – existing  presenter

Why is it difficult to transform systems in relational and restorative ways?

Fiona Tito Wheatland, Canberra Restorative Community

Winning Well: addressing abuse in sport and achieving cultural change

Dymphna Lowrey, Australian Sports Commission
Natalie Menzies,
Australian Sports Commission


Frameworks for Fidelity- a clear, robust, and safe process for all

Greg Jansen, Restorative Schools
Richard Matla, Restorative Schools

Building workplace capacity through a Peer Narrative Restorative Approach

Debbie Dunn, A Narrative Practice
Denise Bowerman, Hobart City Mission
Sophie Keyes, Hobart City Mission

Could Judicial Mediation answer the Dilemmas of International Criminal Legal System?

Judge Mostafa Elsherif, Egypt Ministry of Justice


Organisations and Workplaces

Criminal Justice

Community Life Session 2

First Nations

Redress: Session 2


Sue Attrill 

Marg Thorsborne 

Richard Denning 

David Moore 

Christine Thomas 

Alikki Vernon 

Culturally Responsive Practice In Education settings

Intentional Restorative Workplace Culture II

Restorative Conferencing for young people

Creative expansion of restorative space

Elders wisdom in caring for children

Restorative Coronial practices


Weaving Cultural Responsiveness into Restorative Practice: The Atanoho Framework

Jo Chamberlain, Te Whai Toi Tangata, University of Waikato
 Janine Mackay, Te Whai Toi Tangata, University of Waikato
 Cath Forster, Te Whai Toi Tangata, University of Waikato

Restorative Leadership: How workplace relationships impact workplace outcomes

Gemma Edgar, University of Newcastle

Restorative Justice Programs Responding to Harm Caused by Young People in Australia

Richard Dening, ACT Restorative Justice Unit
Clare Blakemore, Youth Justice NSW
Genevieve Higgins, Jesuit Social Services
Jennifer Hoffman, Youth Justice, QLD
Tracey Lloyd, ACT Restorative Justice Unit

Restorative practice in familial elder abuse claims: case studies from the ACT

Elizabeth Samra, ACT Human Rights Commission
Bridie Woolnough, ACT Human Rights Commission

Elder Insights: Redressing colonial harm from intergenerational child protection interventions

Dr Sharynne Hamilton, The Kids Research Institute Australia
Aunty Millie Penny, The Kids Research Institute Australia
Aunty Charmaine Pell, The Kids Research Institute Australia
Ms Larissa Jones, The Kids Research Institute Australia

Canberra’s coronial system – building awareness to create transformation in practice

Ms Lindsay McCabe, Western Sydney University


The Niu Way: Highlighting restorative practices from Pasifika lenses

Moana Emett, The University Of Waikato
 Fiana Tuli-Tahifote, The University Of Waikato

Intentional Relational Coaching: A framework for supporting growth and development

Andrew Ballin, Education Queensland, Ayr State High School

Will Victorian Youth Justice restorative conferences uphold the power of victim’s voices?

Katrina Robinson, Salvation Army
Owen Cooper, Salvation Army
Rachael Slorach, Salvation Army

Restorative Dialogue as a Response to Interpersonal Harm at Universities

Dr Nieke Elbers, Vrije Universiteit (vu University) Amsterdam

Building a Consent-Based Framework for Restorative Conferencing of Coronial Matters

Amanda O'Neill, ACT Restorative Justice Unit


Workplace Case Study:
Utilising a redress conference approach to address harm /conflict

Jeanette Kinahan, Thriving People

Youth Justice Group Conferencing in the Northern Territory

Alex Hawthorne, Jesuit Social Services

Restorative Conferencing in Church Congregations

Mr Chris Bedding, Faith Workers Alliance

ACT Coronial Restorative Reform Forums

Kerrie Gallagher, Lotus Counselling & Consultancy


Organisations and Workplaces

Criminal Justice

Community Life Session 3

First Nations Session 3

Redress: Session 3


Sue Attrill 

Miranda Forsyth 

Alikki Vernon 

Richard de Martin 

Meredith Rossner 

David Moore 


Restorative practices for student leaders and young people

From critical response to workplace culture reform

Looking back and looking forward

The diversity of restorative practices

Restorative practice, self determination and reconciled practice


Restorative Student Leadership in Aotearoa Kura Schools: Journey of Growth and Reflection

Jo Chamberlain, Te Whai Toi Tangata, University of Waikato

The History and Development of Restorative Justice in the ACT

Richard Dening, ACT Restorative Justice Unit
Tracey Lloyd, ACT Restorative Justice Unit

A Continuum of Relational Practice from Violence to Regeneration

Mark Spain, Global Learning
Janet Hope, University of Canberra Law School

Waking up to Whiteness: Reflections in a Transformative Workshop

Te Ngāpara Centre for Restorative Practice, Victoria University of Wellington New Zealand

Healing and Reconciliation through Redress: The power of Personal Acknowledgement

Mrs Sonia Boersig, National Indigenous Australians Agency
Dr David Moore, Australian Association for Restorative Justice
Ms Kate Phipps, National Indigenous Australians Agencyx


The Peace Education Program for Schools and Universities

Dr Andrew Ramsay, The Prem Rawat Foundation

Peter Curtis, Calwell High School

 Raelene McDonald, The Prem Rawat Foundation

Helen Hussey, The Prem Rawat Foundation

Learning Systems for program facilitators

Dr Alikki Vernon, Positive Interaction
Amanda O’Neill, ACT Restorative Justice Unit ACT
Genevieve Higgins, Jesuit Social Services

Why should I do it? The challenges and opportunities of restorative practice inside the Youth Justice precincts in Victoria

Inotoli Zhimomi, Department of Justice and Community Safety Victoria
Christy Hughes, Department of Justice and Community Safety Victoria

Yallum Yallum Elders and Respected Persons Council: a community-led self-determined justice process

Katie Christensen | Centre for Innovative Justice – facilitator

Jen Black | Centre for Innovative Justice – facilitator

Stan Winford | Centre for Innovative Justice – panel member

Mick Fowler | Goolum Goolum Aboriginal Co-Operative – panel member

John Gorton | Goolum Goolum Aboriginal Co-Operative – panel member

Leonard Clarke (Uncle Lenny), Founder and Principal of the Shara Clarke Aboriginal Culture and Education Centre – panel member

Restorative Justice after the 2019 Christchurch Mosques Attack: Wayfinding on a Road Less Travelled…

Dr Jeremy Simons, Te Ngāpara Centre for Restorative Practice, Victoria University of Wellington New Zealand




 Learning Systems for program facilitators

Dr Alikki Vernon, Positive Interaction
Amanda O’Neill, ACT Restorative Justice Unit ACT
Genevieve Higgins, Jesuit Social Services

Restoring Faith in Information: Breaking the Cycle of Shadow Victimisation and Misinformation

Dr Souvik Mukherjee |Deakin University, Australia
Dr Lennon Chang, Deakin University, Australia




Welcome to Day Two, What have we learnt so far?





Judy Atkinson, Founder and Patron, We Al-li



Provincial Archdeacon Uncle Glenn Loughrey, Aboriginal Council of the Anglican Province of Victoria




FACILITATOR AND OCEANIA VOLUME: Dr Jane Bolitho, Te Ngāpara Centre for Restorative Practice, Victoria University of Wellington New Zealand

GLOBAL CO-EDITOR: Professor Jennifer Llewellyn , Restorative Research, Innovation and Education Lab, Dalhousie University Canada

US AND CANADA VOLUME: Dr Mara Schiff, Florida Atlantic University

SOUTH AMERICA VOLUME: Dr Fernanda Rosenblatt, International Institute for Restorative Practices

EUROPE VOLUME: Dr Andrea Parosanu, Te Ngāpara Centre for Restorative Practice, Victoria University of Wellington New Zealand


Education + Community Life joint session


Criminal Justice

Community Life Session 4

First Nations Session 4

Domestic, family, sexual violence


Alikki Vernon 

Miranda Forsyth 

Amanda O'Neil 

Janet Hope 

David Moore 

Thea Deakin-Greenwood 

Restorative practices In university life

Environmental restorative practice

Innovation in RJ practices I

Evolution and Growth of restorative practices

Authentic voice and restorative practice

Institutional and community responses to sexual harm


Restorative On-campus Community: The Past, Present and Future

Jamie-lee (JL) Costa, University of Newcastle

Gemma Edgar, University of Newcastle

Environmental restorative justice: An interactive conversation on current and future practices

Professor Miranda Forsyth, Regnet, School of Regulation and Global Governance, ANU
Associate Professor Mark Hamilton, Australian Catholic University
 Ms Ashleigh Dore, University of Cape Town and Endangered Wildlife Trust
Dr Adreanne Ormond,
Te Ngāpara Centre for Restorative Practice, Victoria University of Wellington New Zealand
 Felicity Tepper | Regnet, Australian National University
Alistair Nairn, EPA Victoria
Deborah Hollingworth, EPA Victoria

Exploring Alternatives to Face-to-Face Restorative Justice: Insights from a Pilot Study

Andrea Parosanu, Te Ngāpara Centre for Restorative Practice, Victoria University of Wellington New Zealand”
Jeremy Simons, Te Ngāpara Centre for Restorative Practice, Victoria University of Wellington New Zealand”

Growing restorative cities and communities: examples from Italy, Europe and the world

Bruna Dighera
Cristina Vasilescu

The role of First Nations Guidance Partner in the RJU

Mr Steven Kennedy, ACT Restorative Justice Unit

Restorative Justice in Gendered Violence: Lessons from Brazil and Global Implications

Prof. Fernanda Fonseca Rosenblatt, International Institute for Restorative Practices


Restorative justice in everyday life – a residential college experiment

Prof Tony Foley, ANU College of Law

Overcoming barriers to repair the harm - Delivering post-sentence conferencing in custody

ACT Restorative Justice Unit

Sites of Truth Telling – A Restorative Approach to our History and Heritage’

Luke Donegan, Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage
Graham Castledine| Castledine Legal And Mediation Services

Conferencing Domestic Family and Sexual Violence offences at the RJU

Amanda O'Neill, ACT Restorative Justice Unit, Canberra


Implementing Trauma-Informed Restorative Practices in Education: Conflict to Connection Case Study

Kerrie Sellen, Restorative Journeys
Sean Lappin, Connected Self

Co convening Domestic, Family and Sexual violence offences at the RJU

Amanda O'Neill, ACT Restorative Justice Unit,
Tracey Lloyd, JACS – ACT Restorative Justice Unit

Lived experience of "child protection" - how to cure an ailing system

 Dr Fiona Tito Wheatland, Canberra Restorative Community
Ms Mary Ivec, Canberra Restorative Community
Ms Dayle Summerfield, Canberra Restorative Community

Month of Yarning Healthcare Journeys

Wayne Applebee, University of Canberra
Holly Northam, University of Canberra/ CATSINAM

Restorative practices addressing stigma and repairing relational harm caused by sexual violence

Dr Judith Rafferty |Conflict Management Academy


Two Worlds Strong: Self Determination, Healing and Restorative Practices

Christine Thomas
Cygnet Centre for Peacebuilding & Transformation Ltd.



Family + youth

Criminal Justice

Community life

Health: Session 1

Domestic, family, sexual violence


Marg Thorsborne 

Serge Loode 

Meredith Rossner 

Christine Thomas 

David Moore 

Miranda Forsyth 

Health and wellbeing in schools

Empowering and restoring families: restorative child protection

Innovations in RJ practice II

Lived experience of restorative practice

Institutional changes in healthcare

Restorative practice and gendered violence. Session I


Advancing a health justice approach to restorative practices in schools

Thalia Gonzales, University of California College of The Law, San Francisco
Mara Schiff, Florida Atlantic University

Working effectively with First Nations & CALD communities

Dr Alikki Vernon, Positive Interaction
Katrina Robinson, Salavtion Army
Steven Kennedy, Justice and Community Safety Directorate
Amanda O’Neil, Justice and Community Safety Directorate
Jesamine Wikaira

Adult restorative justice for vulnerable groups: Insights from Queensland

Lorana Bartels, Australian National University
Meredith Rossner, Australian National University

Relational principles of engagement-cultivating an authentic Indigenous voice

Terry O'Connell, Ripa Remote Indigenous Parents Australia

Restorative health systems: Emerging insights from design, implementation and collaboration

Jo Wailling, Restorative responses
Stephanie Turner
Allison Kooijaman
Joanne Hughes
Beelah Bleakley
Catriona Harwood, Queensland Health


Survivor centred justice: community based responses to sexual harm

Thea Deakin-Greenwood, Transforming Justice Australia

Phoebe Barton, Open Circle

Renee Handsaker, Open Circle

Anna Tydd, Transforming Justice Australia


The State of Restorative Justice in Latin America: Lessons from the South

Fernanda Fonseca Rosenblatt, International Institute for Restorative Practices


Circle Pedagogy: a pathway to wellbeing in schools

Kristy Elliot, Restorative Pathways

Harnessing the wisdom of crowds to solve problems in family group conferencing

Dr Serge Loode, Serge Loode

Restorative Justice for Road Trauma: Narrative Practices to Facilitate Healing and Justice

Melanie Joosten, Open Circle
Katie Christensen, Open Circle

Ready for restorative: preparation, and implementation in a mental health context

Catriona Harwood, Queensland Health

Institutional v Survivor Centric Responses to Redress: Why Restoration Matters

Mark Jones, Im Learning Fast


That was then, this is now: the evolution of restorative practices

Greg Jansen, Restorative Schools
Richard Matla, Restorative Schools NZ
Jane Langley, Langait Connection

Restorative Practices within Queensland Youth Detention

Sarah Cahill, Cleveland Youth Detention Centre, Youth Justice, Queensland Government


Criminal Justice

Health Sessions 2

Criminal Justice

First Nations

Health: Session 3

Domestic, Family, sexual violence


David Tait 

Alikki Vernon 

David Moore 


Holly Northam

Marg Thorsborne 

School and district transformative efforts

Innovations in RJ practices III

Critical challenges and debates

Mental health and addiction recovery

Restorative healthcare

Restorative practice and gendered violence Session 2


Restorative Justice in Taiwanese Juvenile

Justice Reynol (Hsueh-Hung) Cheng, ANU

A pilot study explores the utility of family conferencing practice in Taiwan

Dr. Chuen-Jim Sheu, Ming Chuan University

Transitional Justice in Egypt and Post-revolution Trials

Judge Hussein Allam, Egyptian Judiciary

First Nations Approaches in Peacebuilding and Peacemaking in Australia

Dr Helen Bishop, University if Newcastle

Restorative approaches to protect at risk First Nations children’s right to breastfeed

Mrs Amanda Peek, University of Canberra

Restorative practices in response to sexual harm in a university context (presentation

Professor Meredith Rossner, Australian National University
Dr Janet Hope, University of Canberra
Professor Lorana Bartels, Australian National University
Professor Miranda Forsyth, Australian National University
Dr Sally Eales, Australian National University


Bedouin Justice and collective responsibility: restorative practices in Jordan

Munzer Emad, Western Sydney University
David Tait, Australian National University

Spirituality: Exploring Drug Users' Desistance through the Lens of Positive Criminology

YiChun Yu, Central Police University

Restorative Conferences within a mental healthcare context: Learnings from a collaborative approach

Catriona Harwood, Queensland Health

Creating a culture of continuous improvement in ACT Restorative Justice’s evaluation

Suit Lean Siah, Restorative Justice Unit

Humanising harm: What works (or not), for whom and in what contexts?

Jo Wailling, Restorative responses

Combative to Collaborative: International perspectives on preventing sexual violence at Australian universities

Camille Schloeffel, The Stop Campaign


Post-Legalization: Judges' Perspectives on Referring Cases to Restorative Justice in Taiwan

Yi Fen Lu, Ming Chuan University


Conciliation as Healing: Applying restorative practices to conciliate health care complaints

Dr Anne Macduff, Act Human Rights Commission
Jess Miller, Act Human Rights Commission

Evaluation of Phase Three of the ACT Restorative Justice Scheme

Dr Siobhan Lawler, Australian Institute of Criminology


From training to transformation: Compassionate Communication in Taiwan’s RJ journey

Lanying Huang, National Taipei University

Creating opportunity for restorative capacity building and resource creation through 'chair work'

Catriona Harwood, Queensland Health
Christine Jones, SJP Lawv

Restorative Healthcare- a journey of healing

Dr Holly Northam, University of Canberra/ Catsinam
Dr Wayne Applebee, University Of Canberra