How do I use the Virtual Portal

How much is it to register?

Do I need internet to participate in the Virtual Event?

How do I log in to the virtual event?

When will we have access to the virtual event?

Where are the sessions taking place?

Will I get to ‘see’ other attendees

What software/technology will I require?

Is there a Convention app available?

What type of device can I access the virtual event on?

What are the Web Cam requirements for the virtual event?

Will subtitles be offered?

How can I connect to other attendees during the event?

Can I limit what information fellow attendees see during the event?

Can I provide or update my photo prior to the event


Become a member of APGA and take advantage of discounted rates to attend the Convention. 

APGA is the peak body representing Australasia’s pipeline infrastructure. Our membership is broad, representing all aspects of the pipeline industry. Many of our members have a focus on gas transmission, and many are also involved in the transportation of other products, such as oil, water and slurry. Our members include constructors, owners, operators, advisers, engineering companies and suppliers of pipeline products and services.



Convention Secretariat: Conference Co-ordinators   

   Postal Address: PO Box 4994, Chisholm ACT 2905

   Phone: 02 6292 9000

  Fax: 02 6292 9002

  Email: apga@confco.com.au