Restorative Justice Restorative Practice Restorative Justices Practices Restorative Justice Conference 2024 Canberra restorative practices conference in Canberra November 2024


Day One and Two

The program will be made available in July.  Sessions will be based around the following topics:

Health – restorative practices and programs in health systems and service provision, including mental health, hospital and/or community health settings. 

Education – restorative practices and programs in school/education settings, including universities. 

Criminal Justice – restorative practices and programs throughout different stages of the criminal justice system; restorative justice conferencing; victim-offender mediation; circles of support and accountability. 

Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence – restorative practices and programs in relation to domestic and family violence, sexual violence and other gender-based violence. 

Family and youth – restorative practices and programs working with families and young people; youth justice conferencing; family group conferencing/meetings; family group decision-making. 

First Nations – First Nations-led restorative practices and programs (including community mediation and peace-making services). Restorative approaches to responding to harms associated with colonisation. 

Redress – restorative practices and programs responding to institutional/system failures or breaches of trust; responding to historical harms. 

Organisation/workplace – restorative approaches to relationship management and conflict in workplaces and organisations. 

Faith Communities – exploring the use of restorative principle and practices to develop relationally healthy cultures, and address conflict and harm in churches, mosques, synagogues, monastic and other forms of faith community. 

Environment – preventing and responding to environmental harms. 

Restorative Cities/Communities/Life – embedding restorative practices within institutions, structures, systems and/or communities; community-based restorative approaches. 

Day Three | Open Space Technology

On Saturday 23rd November, the Conference will use Open Space Technology to tap into the collective expertise of participants and provide an experience  of collaborative co-learning and networking.  Over the last thirty years, Open Space Technology has been used in hundreds of thousands of events across every continent to create a unique, enjoyable, highly interactive learning environment that enables burning issues and questions to be explored. Your freedom to participate at whatever level you wish will be respected.

Open Space Technology will enable conference participants to engage in learning conversations and dialogue on any aspect of Restorative Practices (RP) that they chose to explore. Topics might include:

  • Current RP projects
  • Complex case-studies
  • Questions catalysed during the first two days of the conference
  • Discipline-specific RP questions
  • Cross-discipline RP questions
  • Questions about designing and implementing restorative program  
  • Any other area of RP interest/expertise

At the beginning of the day, participants will meet in a large circle. Anyone can propose a conversation. Participants then self-organise into smaller break-out spaces, in multiple parallel sessions, to engage in conversations of personal relevance/interest. There is no limit to the number of conversations that can be convened. Towards the end of the day, there will be an opportunity for action-planning ‘next-steps’, where groups can exchange the necessary contact details  to continue conversations after the conference.

Please note that conversations in Open Space format typically evolve as small conversions groups rather than formal presentations. The self-organising nature of the Open Space means that the organisers cannot guarantee access to any particular room or provide facilities for electronic (Powerpoint) presentations.