Other Events

4th combined ASMIRT/NZIMRT Conference

The Victorian Branch of the Australian Society of Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy (ASMIRT), along with our colleagues from the New Zealand Institute of Medical Radiation Technology (NZIMRT) warmly welcome delegates for the 4th combined ASMIRT/NZIMRT Conference, to be held in Melbourne, 14-17 May 2020.

The theme of “Vision” offers a broad range of options and for us, a focus of innovation, imagination and ideas. Our mission statement is to deliver a conference that provides high quality content and delivery of presentations. Also, a focus on presentations that introduce new and emerging technologies and techniques and clinically applicable content, in a venue known for its inspirational design, maximising delegate opportunities to gather and network.

To visit the conference website please click here.


Conference Co-ordinators
Phone: 02 6292 9000