We will start the morning exploring the Canberra exclusive Portrait23: Identity Exhibition at the Portrait Gallery, with some spare time to view the other open exhibitions within the gallery.
We will then get to enjoy the taste of Braddon tour – Where you will go on a foodie adventure to discover some of the top venues and hidden gems in this hip and popular shopping and foodie precinct. Your guide will share local knowledge with you and provide an insight into Canberra’s food scene.
Thursday Partners Tour
Truffles and Wine
Thursday 15 June 2023 - start at 10.00am
Today we get to explore Pialligo, a rural suburb of Canberra. The tour will start with a Truffle hunt, then on to lunch at Rodney’s Garden Café. The café location is also home to a beautiful garden and giftware shop and the Pialligo Food Emporium that stocks a large variety of locally owned and hard to come by international food products.
We will then finish the day with a wine tasting at the Mount Majura Winery with a full array of cool climate wines paired with cheeses.
Both tours leave from the Crowne Plaza foyer at 10.00am. Please ensure you arrive before this time for a prompt departure.
It is recommended you wear comfortable walking shoes and warm clothes for the Canberra winter days.
You can book the tours on the NGA registration form. If you are already registered and would like to add your partner, please send us an email at nga@confco.com.au
P: 02 6292 9000
E: nga@confco.com.au
P: 02 6122 9400
E: events@alga.asn.au
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