Congress Speakers

Senator the Hon Bridget McKenzie
Nationals Senator for Victoria

Senator the Hon Bridget McKenzie is a member of the National Party and has been a Senator for Victoria since 2011. She has held ministerial office in the Turnbull and Morrison governments, also serving as the party’s Senate leader since 2019. McKenzie grew up in Benalla, Victoria, and worked as a schoolteacher and university lecturer before entering politics. She was elected to the Senate at the 2010 federal election and served as a whip from 2011 to 2013. She has served variously as Minister for Rural Health (2017–2018), Sport (2017–2018), Regional Communications (2017–2018), Regional Services, Local Government and Decentralisation (2018–2019), and Agriculture (2019–2020). 

The Hon Kristy McBain MP
Minister for Local Government 

Kristy McBain proudly grew up on the NSW Far South Coast, and she is the first woman to represent Eden-Monaro.

Since being elected in 2020, Kristy has built a formidable reputation as a plain spoken, hard-working local member who advocates with all levels of Government and all sides of politics to get results for her constituents.

A former Mayor of the Bega Shire Council, Kristy advocated day and night for people through the darkest days of the Black Summer Bushfires in 2019-20.

Kristy studied law at the University of Canberra and as the first person in her family to go to university, she is passionate that all kids get the chance to go to university or TAFE and have the opportunity to build their careers and lives in the regions as she has done. 

Senator the Hon Carol Brown
Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Transport

Being Tasmanian born and raised, Carol Brown understands the many daily challenges faced by Tasmanians. Her passion and dedication is driven by her life experiences and her strong values.Her drive to fight for equality and equal access to employment, education, health and other community services led to her to join the Labor Party at 20 years old. She has remained dedicated to this fight her entire working life. Carol’s commitment to equality and fairness and her determination to ensure all Tasmanians have equal access to opportunities regardless of their background led her to the Senate in 2005.Since joining the Senate Carol has been a tireless advocate for her home state, worker’s rights, the LGBTIQA+ community and women’s access to reproductive health.Carol has held shadow portfolios across a diverse range of areas including families and payments, disability and carers, infrastructure and regional tourism. Carol is honoured to have been appointed Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Transport. 

The Hon Chris Bowen MP
Minister for Climate Change and Energy

Chris grew up in Smithfield in Western Sydney, attending Smithfield Public School and St Johns Park High School. He graduated from the University of Sydney with a Bachelor of Economics. He has also a Master’s Degree in International Relations and a Diploma in Modern Languages (Bahasa Indonesia).

He joined the Labor Party in 1988 and was elected to Fairfield Council in 1995, serving as Mayor of Fairfield for 1998 and 1999. He also served as President of the Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils from 2000 to 2002.

Chris entered Parliament in 2004 and has held a wide range of portfolios including serving as Treasurer, Minister for Human Services, Minister for Immigration, and Minister for Small Business. 

He is currently the Minister for Climate Change and Energy.

Natasha Bradshaw
Associate, Grattan Institute’s Transport and Cities Program

Natasha Bradshaw is an Associate in Grattan Institute’s Transport and Cities Program. At Grattan, she has co-authored publications on topics including fuel taxation and car emissions-reduction policies. Her latest report, to be published later this year, is about how to better fund and maintain local roads. Natasha previously worked at the Commonwealth Treasury across a range of structural reform and social policy topics. She holds an economics degree with first class honours from the University of New South Wales.

Simon Buxton
Manager, Heavy Vehicle Access, Department of State Growth

Simon Buxton has worked in the roads and bridges industry for over 41 years, working in the UK and Australia in both the public and private sectors. He is currently the Manager of Heavy Vehicle Access at the Department of State Growth in Tasmania. Simon is the architect of the world-leading Tasmanian Heavy Vehicle Access Management System (HVAMS). It is the first fully automated access system for restricted access vehicles in Australia and is paving the way for access certainty for industry and greater sustainability for road manager assets. 

John Gordon
Manager, Strategic Development, Transport Certification Australia

John Gordon is Manager, Strategic Development at Transport Certification Australia, and holds a Bachelor of Science degree. He has over 20 years’ experience in transport strategy and policy, including five years as a consultant to several national transport bodies. This work included national stakeholder engagement and work program prioritisation, leading the horizon scanning and strategy branch of Queensland’s Transport and Main Roads, and project managing key elements of the national Heavy Vehicle Charging and Investment program.

Dr Sarah Jones
Managing Director, Driven

Dr Sarah Jones is one of Australia’s foremost authorities on road transport regulation and supply chains. She is the Managing Director of the consulting firm Driven. 

Dr Jones sits on several boards including the Industry Advisory Board for Healthy Heads in Trucks and Sheds, the Austroads Charting a path to eliminating road death and serious injury Expert Advisory Panel and the Truck and Bus Safety Committee at the Transportation Research Board in Washington.

Dr Jones has formerly held senior roles at Toll Group, the National Transport Commission and the Western Australian Department of Transport. She is widely published in Australia and internationally and was recognised as one of Australia’s 100 Women of Influence for her work in transport public policy in 2013.

Steve Verity
Principal Advisor, Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia (IPWEA)

Steve is a fellow member of the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia (IPWEA). He has over 30-years’ infrastructure management experience across the public and private sectors. He is a prominent thought leader in the sustainable management of built infrastructure assets and is the Principal Advisor for the IPWEA Asset Management Program. Steve is regularly sought by governments on various infrastructure planning and reporting reform initiatives.

Rohit Srivastava
Director, Infrastructure, Berrigan Shire Council

Rohit works as Director, Infrastructure at Berrigan Shire Council, NSW. He has more than 20 years of experience in managing public infrastructure and has worked for utilities, engineering consultants, management consultants and local government. He believes in continuous improvement and likes to share the lessons drawn from challenges faced by Berrigan Shire during and after 2022 flood event – how Council managed the flood damage assessment, claim process and the works.

Ben Rippingale
ANZ Business Lead, Vivacity Labs Australia & New Zealand

Ben Rippingale is the Business Lead for Vivacity Labs Australia & New Zealand. Ben is a seasoned business leader in the field of Spatial Sciences, helping domain experts identify solutions to complex design and operational issues through a combination of bespoke and Commercial-Off-The-Shelf software, Software as a Service, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, and Internet-of-Things technologies.

Dr Ian Faulks
Partner, Safety and Policy Analysis International

Dr Ian Faulks is a psychologist working in transportation safety, traffic policing and workplace safety. He has particular interests in traffic safety, graduated driver licensing systems, traffic offender management, road policing, and human factors aspects of new automotive and digital technologies.

Associate Professor Ben Beck
Head of Sustainable Mobility & Safety Research, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University

Associate Professor Ben Beck is the Head of Sustainable Mobility & Safety Research in the School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine at Monash University and an Australian Research Council Future Fellow. Ben is an internationally renowned leader in active transport research, especially in relation to bike riding. He established and leads an interdisciplinary program of research that brings together experts in public health, urban and transport planning, engineering, complex systems science, data science and AI, behaviour change and road safety to advance the safety, accessibility and equity of active mobility. Ben’s program of research is underpinned by developing world-leading data systems, cutting-edge methods and data-driven solutions, and partnering with government, industry, not-for-profit organisations and the community to untap the potential of active transport to transform population and planetary health.

Tracey Norberg
Road Safety & Traffic Officer, Goulburn Mulwaree Council

Tracey Norberg has worked as a Road Safety and Traffic Officer for the past 9 Years with Goulburn Mulwaree Council. In that time Tracey has implemented projects covering speed, motorcycles, learner drivers, fatigue, drink driving, the heavy vehicle industry and older drivers. Tracey also works closely with local schools to address driver education and infrastructure standards to improve pedestrian safety. 

Tracey is also responsible for analysing local crash data to apply for Black Spot funding on local roads, and is the secretary of the ACRS ACT Chapter. She also works for a Road Safety Audit company as a lead auditor, and has carried out road safety audits on the Snowy 2.0 heavy vehicle haulage route, the new design of Nowra Bridge and upgrades to the Newell Highway.

Dr Jeremy Smith
ANU Institute for Climate, Energy and Disaster Solutions

For over 15 years Jeremy has been involved in the emergence of Humanitarian Engineering in Australia, which seeks to utilise engineering and technology to support resilience and human wellbeing in disaster and long-term development contexts in Australia and the region.  Jeremy’s current projects include community-led flood intelligence systems, nature-based solutions for flooding, and distributed water and energy essential service delivery in rural settings.  Jeremy is based in the environmental engineering cluster in the ANU School of Engineering, where he has had numerous research, education, and engagement roles over the last 20 years.

Charlie Emery
Managing Director, Soilco

Charlie joined SOILCO in 2001 and over the past 20 years has overseen the growth of the business through focusing on its core competencies; provision of organics recycling services and production of quality assured soil, compost and mulch products. A fundamental aspect of Charlies current role is strategic planning and implementation of business development initiatives. Prior to SOILCO, Charlie achieved tertiary qualifications in Science (Environmental Biology) and worked with a range of environmental, landscaping and horticultural businesses. Charlie is also a Board Member of the Australian Organics Recycling Association (AORA). 

Stuart Outhred
Head of Strategy & Research, Amy Gillett Foundation

Stuart is an urban planner with a keen interest in how cities function and the health of the people that live in them. He has worked in roles spanning the public, consulting and not-for-profit sectors in Melbourne, London and Perth, with a specific focus on improving active transport. Currently working with the Amy Gillett Foundation, Stuart is leading the roll out of national cycling safety programs, campaigns and advocacy.

Cr Matthew Deeth 
Chair, National Growth Areas Alliance 

Cr Matthew Deeth has been Chair of the National Growth Areas Alliance since 2019, representing fast-growing local governments in outer metropolitan areas of Australia’s capital cities, where 5.3million people live. Matt is the Deputy Mayor at Wollondilly Shire Council in Sydney’s outer south-west. He was first elected to Council in 2016 and served as Mayor in 2018/20. He has lived in Wollondilly all his life and is raising two young children there with his wife. Matt is passionate about the opportunities offered by fast-growing communities which are too often hampered by incremental, ad-hoc and uncoordinated planning decisions which leave a substantial cost for local government now and into the future.

Johan Cronjé
Portfolio Leader, NTRO Local 

Johan commenced employment with NTRO in 2021 as a pavement engineer. He has over 13 years’ experience with a strong focus on pavement construction, design and management. 

Johan is the portfolio leader for NTRO Local and Assurance Systems in the Asset Performance business group with NTRO. His exposure to all aspects of pavement engineering from design to asset management has given him a holistic view of the industry both internationally and locally. 

After aligning himself with the NTRO mission statement, he was entrusted with the Assurance Systems portfolio to better implement his cross-aspect experience. Johan is the main driver behind NTRO Local and has a strong drive to assist Local Government wherever possible through applicable and affordable solutions. 

Johan has an honours degree in Civil Engineering and a master’s degree in Transportation from the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa.

Maree Wauchope
CEO, Barunga West Council

Maree Wauchope was appointed to the role of CEO for Barunga West Council in April 2020 sector. 

Maree brings to the role extensive public leadership expertise gained from working as a senior executive within State Government for a number of years. She also has a strong understanding of local government and has worked closely with councils, advising strategically on infrastructure projects, and tourism and visitor economy initiatives.

Maree lives on the Yorke Peninsula and is a proud member and advocate for the region. She is genuinely interested in ensuring the region is a great place to live, work and play.

Prior to this appointment, Maree co-owned and worked in consultancy firms, providing services in the areas of planning, transport, infrastructure, community development, engagement and advocacy. Maree also worked in the South Australian public sector for around 20 years.

Warren Sharpe
Director, Warren Sharpe Strategic Services Pty Ltd 

Warren Sharpe OAM recently retired as Director Infrastructure Services after 38 years of service to the Eurobodalla community on the south coast of NSW.

Warren was also Eurobodalla’s Local Emergency Management Officer, including during the devastating 2019-20 bushfires and numerous flood and storm disasters over more than two decades, as well as through the COVID-19 pandemic.

Warren authored the Eurobodalla Critical Infrastructure Resilience Plan 2020 (last updated 2022) and various responses to the NSW Bushfire Inquiry and Royal Commission into National Natural Disasters. He also led the infrastructure and agriculture recovery post the bushfires and floods.

Warren is well known in the LG sector given his long term commitment to the broader sector as Immediate Past President IPWEA NSW/ACT, a member of the NSW Roads and Transport Directorate and South East Australian Transport Strategy Inc as well as other State and Australasian committees and Boards.

Dr Wendy Russell 
ANU School of Engineering

Dr Wendy Russell is currently a research fellow with the Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program in the College of Engineering and Computer Science. She was previously a research fellow in the National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science in the College of Science at ANU. She is also an associate of the Centre for Deliberative Democracy and Global Governance at the University of Canberra. She began her career as a lecturer in Biological Sciences at the University of Wollongong, gradually shifting her research focus to technology assessment and transdisciplinary research. She worked for a time in the Commonwealth Department of Industry, Innovation, Science and Research, trained in community engagement and facilitation and has since established her own consultancy, Double Arrow Consulting, which specialises in deliberative engagement. She has received awards for her research, teaching and community engagement work.

Christina Cawkell
Regional Engagement Manager, Telstra

Christina Cawkell is a Regional Engagement Manager with Telstra with over 20 years’ experience in communications and stakeholder relations. She is a skilled collaborator with a strong record of success managing small teams to strategic deliverables in corporate, non-profit, government and educational settings in Australia, Canada & New Zealand. She has a depth of experience as a consultant, educator & influencer across key internal & external stakeholders. A proud Australian and Canadian, she is known for her engaging, open, and collaborative style.

Robyn Briese
Deputy General Counsel – Government, NHFIC

Robyn Briese is Deputy General Counsel – Government at the National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation. She is currently leading engagement with States, Territories and Local Government on the design of the National Housing Accord and Housing Australia Future Fund funding programs. Robyn has two decades of experience advising a broad range of Commonwealth government departments and assisting with the development and implementation of significant new policy initiatives. 

Jennifer Medway
Manager, Regional Tech Hub

Jennifer Medway is a fifth generation farmer from Gunning NSW, and an experienced Senior Manager with a demonstrated history of working collaboratively across Australia’s rural industries. Jennifer is skilled in cross-sectoral R&D collaboration, government, regional development, agriculture, and rural development, and holds a Bachelor of Agricultural Economics (Hons) from University of Sydney. Jennifer is the current Manager of the Regional Tech Hub, leading a team of people to help communities in remote and regional Australia to get connected and stay connected.

David Anstee
Chair, Yarra Energy Foundation

David is a director of Withywindle, providing consulting advice in the electric vehicle, distributed energy resources and microgrid areas. Clients include Schneider Electric, Evo Energy, Who Gives a Crap and Planet Ark Power. His career commenced in corporate finance with Merrill Lynch (nee McIntosh), encompassed assistant cameraman for National Geographic in the Arctic, diving instructor in Cairns and as co-founder of technology business and founding employee at GreenSync. David holds a BCom from Melbourne and a distinction MBA from London Business School.

Kelly Gee
Policy Lead, Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils

Kelly Gee is policy lead at the Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (WSROC); a membership organisation representing councils between Parramatta and the Blue Mountains. With a background in public relations and policy development, Kelly specialises in working collaboratively with government, industry, academic, and community sector partners to translate complex policy and research questions into practical action.

Since 2016, Kelly has co-led delivery of WSROC’s award-winning Turn Down the Heat Strategy, which seeks a collaborative, multi-sector approach to heat resilience in Western Sydney. Most recently this has included assessing the climate resilience of Australian building codes, supporting integration of heat resilience into local and state planning controls, reviewing heatwave governance arrangements, and working directly with communities to build heatwave preparedness. 

Brendan Moon AM
Coordinator-General, National Emergency Management Authority

Brendan Moon AM commenced as the first Coordinator-General of the National Emergency Management Agency in October 2022.

Brendan brings with him extensive expertise and experience in disaster response, recovery, preparedness and risk reduction.

He spent 10 years with the Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA), starting as the General Manager, Operations in 2011 until his appointment as Chief Executive Officer in 2016.

Brendan is a regular contributor to national and international dialogue on disaster risk and resilience and has addressed the United Nations Office of Disaster Risk Reduction’s Asian Ministerial Conferences on multiple occasions. He is a passionate advocate for cooperation and collaboration across international, national, state and local agencies for disaster preparedness, response and recovery.

Adrian Milne
Director Infrastructure Services, Lachlan Shire

Adrian has been with the Lachlan Shire Council for7 years. He has been the Director of Infrastructure Services for 3 and he is responsible for Roads, Water, Wastewater, Stormwater, Recreation facilities, Crown Reserves, Cemeteries, Emergency Services, Aerodromes, Plant and Fleet.

David Atkins
Branch Head, Industrial and Buildings Energy Efficiency Branch, DCCEEW

David leads the industrial and buildings energy efficiency branch at DCCEEW, covering energy performance for the industrial and built environment sectors. David’s branch is developing the$100m Community Energy Upgrade Fund, announced at the June Australian Council of Local Government.

Michael Jollon 
Transport Planning Manager, City of Parramatta

Michael has worked in transport planning and engineering for eighteen years.  In local government in the United States, he developed Local Area Traffic Management plans for residential areas and worked with developers on required travel plans for new. He moved to Canberra in 2011, and worked in consulting and with Roads ACT on programming and delivery of active travel infrastructure. 

Michael moved to City of Parramatta Council in 2016 to manage Council’s transport planning team.  In his time there, City of Parramatta has planned and delivered active travel infrastructure and programs including the award-winning Escarpment Boardwalk project and numerous education and encouragement programs.  He has master’s degrees in Transport Engineering and Urban Planning from US universities Virginia Tech and University of Virginia. 

The Hon David Elliott
Chief Executive Officer, Institute of Public Works Engineering (NSW & ACT)

David was born in Bankstown in 1970 and was educated at Christian Community High School, Regents Park before completing a Bachelor of Arts in History and Asian Studies. He also holds a Graduate Certificate in Public Policy and Master of Arts (Communication). 

David’s early career involved roles in the NSW Police Media Unit, Australian Army Public Relations Service, St John Ambulance, and a number of advisory roles with Members of Parliament, including the Hon John Howard OM AC. David later served as the NSW Deputy Chief Executive at the Australian Hotels Association, and Chief Executive Officer of the Civil Contractors Federation (NSW) as well as holding positions on a number of boards.

David was elected to the NSW Parliament as the Member for Baulkham Hills in March 2011, and later went on to be appointed to a number of ministerial positions in the Baird, Berejiklian, and Perrottet governments. His portfolios included Corrections, Emergency Services, Veterans Affairs, Counter Terrorism, Police, and Transport. In 2023 David announced his retirement from State Parliament, and was later announced as the Chief Executive Officer of the Institute of Public Works Engineering (NSW & ACT).

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